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XLSForm Design (For People In A Hurry)

Adapted and updated from this document in osm-fieldwork.

The full specification for XLSForms can be found here.

XLSForm & ODK Terms

A few terms should be explained:

  • XLSForm: a spreadsheet containing your survey questions.
    • Simply a .xls or .xlsx file.
    • Can be created with any tool like Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc.
    • Include text and a small amount of spreadsheet logic to generate values.
  • XForm: an XLSForm that is converted to XML format read by ODK tools.
  • ODK Central: the server where XForms are stored, plus related submissions.
  • ODK Collect: the mobile app to load the XForm to make submissions from.
  • XForm ID: the ID reference of the XForm in ODK.
  • XForm Title: the friendly name of the survey form that the user sees.
  • Entity: a fancy term for map features, or commonly for our use case, buildings. Each Entity is a feature to be mapped.
  • Entity List: a collection of Entities stored on ODK Central.
  • Choices List: a group of pre-defined options / answers to a survey question.

XLSForm Sheets (Tabs)

  • There are four options for sheet (or tab) names:
    • settings - metadata like XForm ID & XForm Title.
    • survey - the actual question data to ask the user.
    • choices - different options to select are stored.
    • entities - metadata about the related Entity list for a project.

Settings Sheet

Settings Sheet

  • form_id: XForm ID above.
  • version: Can be any value, but it is advised to use a date and time via spreadsheet formula =NOW().
  • form_title: XForm Title above.

Entities Sheet

  • Entities were introduced to ODK Central recently in order to more easily track the same feature over time.
  • We now have a nice way to store a feature, with geometry and properties, in ODK Central (for example the buildings you wish to map!).
  • The geometry can then be selected in ODK Collect survey questions.

Entities Sheet

  • list_name: The Entity List name in ODK.
  • entity_id: A reference to a field in your survey sheet, such as building ID.
  • update_if: If set true(), the Entity will be updated on form submission, else no update will take place.
  • label: A descriptive user-facing name for the Entity. This can include logic to add text or symbols based on a field in the survey sheet (for example, mapping status).

Choices Sheet

  • Contains options that can be used to answer a survey question.
  • These are used instead of 'free text' input for consistent answers.

Entities Sheet

  • list_name: The Choices List name that can be referenced in the survey.
  • name: The value that can be selected as the question answer.
  • label: A description of the choice, displayed in ODK Collect.

Survey Sheet

  • The main part of the form - the questions for the survey!


  • Fields for translations...

Creating Entities

  • For the XLSForm to reference an Entity List for data collection, the Entity List must first exist in ODK Central.
  • There are two ways described below.

1. From The ODK Central UI

  • Easiest approach via the user interface of ODK Collect.
  • First we generate the Entity List via the UI, with all the fields we want included:

Entities Create UI

A single field geometry would be acceptable, but it can be useful to add other fields as references, for example including a mapping status field.

  • Next we need to generate a .csv containing our geometries we want to map, including the fields we defined above.
  • The geometry field must be in JavaRosa geometry format.
  • Example JavaRosa polygon (semicolon separated):
-8.38071535576881 115.640801902838 0.0 0.0;
-8.38074220774489 115.640848633963 0.0 0.0;
-8.38080128208577 115.640815355738 0.0 0.0;
-8.38077407987063 115.640767444534 0.0 0.0;
-8.38071535576881 115.640801902838 0.0 0.0

Entities Features

The example CSV can be downloaded here

  • Now this CSV can be uploaded via the UI and the Entity List will be populated.

2. Via Entity List XLSForm Upload

  • This is quite a convoluted approach, as a separate XLSForm must be uploaded to do this.
  • An example Entity registration form can be found here.
  • In the end, we will have two XLSForms. One for Entity List creation, and another for the actual data collection.
  • The key part of this form is in the survey sheet, where the Entity data fields are defined:

Entity Reg

  • We will cover in the Survey Sheet section more details of the specifics here, but as you can see we have:
    • A field type to help determine which kind of data we have.
    • A field name that should match those defined in the features CSV file.
    • A field label to display to the user.
    • A save_to field to specify which Entity field / property the data will be saved to when submitted. This should probably match the field name.
  • The form to create the Entity List is then uploaded to ODK Central:

Entities Create UI

3. From Code (API)


Last update: October 14, 2024